An afternoon in Winter

​MA in Photography | Murdoch University W.A. (Australia).
Lecturer in Photography | Portsmouth College of Art & Design, (Hampshire).
Membership RPS.
Commercial consignments ...
EMI (AUS), (WARP) Records. JA Dixons (UK), Dana Card (Amsterdam) Gorden Frazer (London), Homegrown Records (WA), Western Mail (W.A), Various magazine and online publications (U.K Europe, Australia), Art exhibitions in London, Australia, Spain, Netherlands and the USA. Previous enterprises... Art galleries & studios in Spain and the U.K.
Street & Studio Photography. Specializing in lighting and light forms.
Acrylic and oil artwork, 3D platform.
Abstracted Impressionism, Surrealism, Abstract forest and cityscapes, BrutBuilds.​
An art critic once wrote...
Miles constantly expands boundaries and it has been said that his art is boldly stated resulting in a unique look and feel, lucid enough to give shape and form yet sufficiently elusive to encourage a more profound look. ​